Friday, 19 November 2010

Disabling doubts

I know I haven't been posting for quite a few days but its been a very rough and difficult couple of days. I'd been doing so well, fighting really hard to beat my agoraphobia and after I had been to the cinema I felt like I was really getting somewhere in getting my life back. But then I had to see my psychologist for another session of my CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy), and things got a lot worse. I always get so nervous and anxious a few days before I have to go to the mental health clinic - I hate the whole thing: getting to the clinic, sitting in the waiting room, and then talking to the psychologist for about 30 mins to an hour.
Often when I leave he has said something that makes me feel worse.

He seemed to be very pleased with my progress and told me that it is important for me to focus on what I have been able to do rather than on how I am feeling. Being an introvert makes this very difficult as I have always focused on my emotions and my 'internal world'. But then he kept asking me if it is getting easier for me to go outside yet. This may sound ridiculous but this made me feel horrible, like everything I had achieved was for nothing. I felt like I should be doing a lot better than I am - even though the week before I felt like I was well on my way on the road to recovery! Its quite ironic too than the one person who is supposed to make me feel better is the one person who makes me feel worse, lol.

It was probably silly letting what he said make me feel worse about my progress, but I am just so scared of the idea of the agoraphobia and anxiety getting worse.

I think it is getting easier though, its just that the anti depressants make my eyes feel unfocused and blurred, and also make me feel so tired and dizzy all the time. So when I go out all of this makes it seem as if I'm getting worse but really I have come a long way. Only a little while ago I could barely make it to my back garden and now I am going out for long walks, going shopping round the city, and even going to the cinema :)

And today I plan to go to the cinema again, so here's to progress!

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